6 Signs It’s Time to Rebrand Your Dental Practice



This blog is about dentistry, periodontology and branding.








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You should always have an open and critical mind towards your business—your dental practice. What works, what doesn’t, what can be improved—look at every single aspect. One of the most common mistakes in business is sticking to the principle of not changing something while it’s working. There is always room for improvement, always.

However, here is a list of a few things that are definite signs that you need a rebrand:

  1. You only have a logo.

Your dental practice deserves more than just a logo. Your audience won’t remember your logo; they remember how they felt when they interacted with your brand. Let’s say you have a logo and you’re actually very happy with it—you hired a designer, and the logo is amazing. However, is the logo in the style and tone of writing when speaking to your audience? Do the colors on your website give off a certain vibe? A comprehensive brand identity will cover everything you need to have clarity in all aspects of your detailed practice. Having this clarity will give you the confidence to support your brand effectively.

  1. You don’t feel connected to your current brand.

You should feel that your brand is natural and an extension of yourself. When you are a small dental practice, you are usually fully involved in the workflow—clinical work, social media, updating your website, etc. This means that you are connected to your brand in a way that is radically different from large corporations. Having a brand that you don’t feel resonates with you can ruin the way you interact with it. Not feeling a connection with your brand will only lead to a negative impact on your dental practice. Working with a brand expert means that they will guide you through every stage of brand building and will be able to give you an outside perspective and guide you.

  1. You are not convinced that your current brand connects you with your audience.

The job of the brand expert is to help and guide you in determining the ideal patient. Then understand and help connect with him, both visually and verbally.

  1. You have changed your business goals.

Like connecting with your audience, you should always keep your business goals in mind when building your brand. Short-term and long-term business goals, as well as your target patients, are big factors in building a brand. Such a business change is adding jobs—new dental chairs, offering a new dental service, changing the organization of work—hiring a receptionist, etc.

  1. The market is evolving.

Dentistry is an ever-evolving industry. The competition is also evolving, and you have to react to it. If you notice that patients are looking for something different from what you initially offered, it’s time for a change. Systematic rebranding is key to staying competitive in a changing environment.

  1. You don’t stand out.

This can be a big problem—if your brand is similar to your competitors, it needs to be adapted to allow you to stand out from them and attract the attention of patients. You have to find a way to attract your ideal patients and be authentic to your brand identity and values. It is important to differentiate yourself from your competitors and at the same time not lose your identity of who you are. However, don’t set yourself apart from your competition by pretending to be someone you’re not. Think about what you offer differently than your competitors that sets you apart from them? The answer to this question should be the basis of rebranding because it will tell your patients why they should choose you over your competitors.

No matter what stage of development your business is in, it’s important to feel confident about it.

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