What To Do When Your Dental Practice is Slow?



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If your dental practice has been bringing in less clients recently, don’t worry! There are several steps you can take to get your business back on its feet. Many of these tips aren’t expensive or time consuming, meaning that you will be able to get customers through your door in no time.

Reach Out to Past Patients

Many people won’t remember that they’re due for a dental cleaning. If you reach out to them, they will be reminded, will make an appointment, and come in. Encourage your current patients to come in for a cleaning regularly. To do this, stress the importance of a dental cleaning, and make sure your patients understand the risks of going too long without one. You can also send out appointment reminder cards to the addresses of your patients. This way, they will remember to come in regularly.

Work on Your Socials

We live in a digital world. Everyone is on social media these days, and your business should be, too! Update your social media profiles to reflect your current business goals and practices. Make sure you keep it professional, but also welcoming and informative. If keeping up with your social media is too much, you can always hire a social media manager or schedule your posts. To schedule your posts, write a bunch of them in advance, and then pick which days they will publish. Then, sit back and never have to worry again.

Sign Up For A Dental Course

Sometimes, clients might not be coming to your practice because other offices offer something you don’t. By signing up for a dental course, you will be able to keep up with the newest dental practices and offer these to your patients. This will bring more people to your office. You will also become a better dentist in general, which will make your patients much more likely to come back.

Update Your Website Portfolio with Clinical Cases

When searching for a dentist, many people look for experience. Therefore, you should update your website with clinical cases from your practice. This way, people will be able to see that you have experience and that your cases have great results. You can include a tab on your website for clinical cases and give a brief description for each. You can also start a blog section where you explain each clinical case in fuller detail and explain how you solve each problem that a patient comes to you with. This way, your new patients will be more likely to pick your practice because of the confidence they feel in you.

Journal About Your Next-Level Business Goals

Journaling can be incredibly helpful. You should have a clear understanding of your goals so that achieving them is more realistic, and writing them down in a journal will help you do this. Make sure the goals you set are achievable. It helps to add clear numbers to your goals, such as the number of sales you want to do in the next year or how many new dental courses you’d like to take. Once your goals are written down, you can easily start working towards them.

Clean and Reorganize Your Dental Practice

Sometimes, all you need is a good clean! Make sure your dental practice stays clean at all times. Patients won’t come back to a practice that doesn’t meet their standards of cleanliness, so it’s always best to over clean than to under clean. If you struggle cleaning your dental practice, you can hire a service to do this for you. Also, make sure your dental practice is organized. It can be difficult to stay organized, so you might need to really dive into reorganization. But once you do it, you’ll feel so much better and more clients will start coming in.

Archive Old Medical Files

Whether you use a paper storage system or one that’s on the computer, it’s always a great idea to archive old medical files. If you have patients that no longer come to your practice, then you don’t need their files cluttering up your organized space or slowing your computers down. Wait for a period of time before you archive old files, such as a year or longer, to be sure that the patient won’t come back. Then, don’t hesitate to free up some space.

It can be scary when fewer patients come to your dental practice. However, with these simple tips, you will restore confidence in your practice, feel much better about yourself and the way you run your business, and bring more patients in.

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